Thursday, September 27, 2012

Perfect Words

So I've had so much on my mind in the past two weeks.  Plus just being busy.  Just can't find the words to adequately describe how great my life is.  One of my bestest friends/favorite souls and I drove up to the temple this last week and I came to some realizations.  But to put it into words on my blog, I couldn't think of how to do it.  And then I read one of my other best friends/favorite soul's blog and he used many of the words that I have been lacking.  Click here to see the post.  Step by step life goes and we grow.  Gotta love it :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

God Knows What's Up

So let me just say.  This weekend has been a bit of a whirlwind of emotions.  I have been on my knees just a little bit praying to figure out some stuff in my life.  Becoming an adult can be hard.  Grand.  But hard.  Responsibility is hard.  And a bit overwhelming at times.  But like I said, God knows what's up.  He really does.  And for some reason it still surprises me sometimes how He knows EVERYTHING.  I mean, obviously we know that.  But how often do we really understand that?

He has this grand plan for each and every one of us, and I find myself getting constantly reminded that He is in control.  He is so so so involved in our lives and wants to help us all the days.  How blessed are we?