Saturday, June 9, 2012

What makes a leader?

So.  Today is the first day that I haven't been busy outta my mind in about a month.  Between work, going down to socal, parents coming to visit, church activities and chelsea and connor coming to visit, things have been a bit crazy.  An incredibly good crazy.  But crazy all the while.

I have been reading recently in the book of Alma in the Book of Mormon.  In there, there are a lot of very different characters.  And I have a special affinity for some reason towards Teancum.  He's one of my particular favorites.  I told that to someone once and he was like, oh yeah, that sounds about right, hot headed and stubborn.  hahaha.  But really, especially as I've gotten towards the end of Alma, I've thought a bit about the leaders in the BOM.

I mean, first of all you've got Captain Moroni.  Champ.  My friend Clark was talking to me a couple weeks ago about my dating life in California and he said he wasn't surprised that I wasn't dating anyone seriously.  I laughed (of course) and asked why he would say such a thing.  And his reply was that he couldn't see me settling for anything less than a "Captain Moroni".  And then he said he'd only met one guy in his life that fit that description and proceeded to wish me luck in finding one.  hahaha.

So that got me thinking, what makes someone like unto Captain Moroni?  Not only that, cause I'm not gonna marry him in real life, but what gives someone the qualities that men like Captain Moroni and Teancum had?  What makes someone a leader?  The fact that they have followers?  How does one get followers?

Just some thoughts to ponder as you go about your day/night/evening/morning/week.

1 comment:

  1. i've always been a fan of poisoning by degrees, killing the king and stealing his wife . . .
