Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I have an incredible dad.  This post is my belated but promised Father's day one.  I found the photo above on pinterest and thought it a fitting way to begin the post.  And I'm going to do this one a little different than my mom's.  This is my list of things my daddy taught me/ways that he is that make me want to find a guy like him.

1)  He loves and adores my mom.  All the days.  They cuddle on the couch.  He gets her flowers and presents for no reason (does that for me too.  love random packages from daddy.)  One of the only times I ever remember him getting really really angry with me was when I was probably in elementary and i was practicing backhandsprings in my room and oblivious little kid that I was I didn't realize that mom was trying to sleep in the next room over and I guess my backhandsprings on our second floor in the room next door probably didn't help her.  I have never seen my dad so angry, but for me, it showed how much he cared about my mom.  

2)  He is so stinking smart.  Not only has he graduated from college and gotten a PhD and all that, but he got it from MIT (no big deal).  And while I don't know all his reasoning and thoughts that went into his major and  life decisions like that, I do know that it does provide well for our family.  

3)  He taught us kids to be passionate about something and do what we love.  My dad loves baseball and basketball.  Do any of us kids play either of those sports?  No.  haha.  Did he have us try them?  Yes.  Did we all find our own passions and have supportive parents every step of the way?  Yes.  I can't count the number of gymnastics meets that my dad stood by the recorded so I could watch them later and learn from, not to mention driving me home from practice everyday.  While I might not have learned to set goals and achieve such high academic standards as my dad, he did teach how to set goals and achieve them through other means.

4)  He has an amazing testimony of the gospel.  He got baptized while he was in college, married my mom in the temple, and is an avid gospel scholar.  We have sooooo many gospel books at home, not to count the hours and hours of talks and podcasts he has on his computer and in his car that he listens to.  I have never had a gospel question for him that he hasn't answered to satisfy my curiosity.  He magnifies his calling.  He goes to his church meetings.  He is what I would call mostly an introvert, but he gets pushed outside his comfort zone all the days with his calling and he does it well.  He's had to deal with some intense stuff and I admire him for how much he cares and how much of his life he dedicates to the gospel.  

5)  He loves his family.  I can't count the number of times I went outside with my dad just to play catch and talk.  He loves his new grandbabies in my cute little nieces. He made our house into one with the cool gadgets and games to play at with my friends growing up.  Some place for extended family and friends to come have game nights and fun.  And he loves his immediate family too.  I feel as though with that comes a love of the state of oklahoma, where he grew up and where his mom and one of his brothers still live.  I remember going to visit one time in high school, and when we were flying home, talking about how both places kinda felt like home cause of the memories and people there.  

6)  My dad is so stinking generous.  It's like his favorite thing in the world to give the perfect present.  My parents have to set a cap at christmastime cause my dad goes a little crazy wanting to get everyone everything that they want/need or that he thinks they will like.  Many a package that I have gotten from him while being away (at school, mission or here in CA) have come at just the right times when I've needed them most.  Just a little thing normally, to let us know he cares and that he's thinking about us.  Not only is he generous to our family, but I know that I have seen my parents give things to families in need that can never be repaid.  

7)  My dad had standards for me.  And when I wasn't living up to them, or my potential, I had privileges taken away.  He wanted me to be my best self.  I remember many a lecture in the car on the way to or from gymnastics, normally about grades.  I want someone who is going to expect me to be better, someone who will continue to push me to improve, while loving me along the way like my daddy does.

8)  He always has time for me.  If I am locked out of my apartment in Idaho 2500 miles away, getting a flat tire, needing help with taxes, forgetting to register my car and needing my title overnighted to me, my parents both have always always been there.  No matter the time of day or night.  He even plays draw with me with me even though I am absolutely so horrible at it it's funny. 

9)  He's hilarious.  Ever so witty.  You just have to listen to catch his jokes sometimes.  Family time always was filled with lots and lots of laughter.  Partially because my mom and I both laugh alot, and partly because my brothers and dad are hilarious.  Nerds.  But hilarious nonetheless.

10)  He has always been so incredibly supportive of me and trusts me and my decisions.  He has taught me how to make big decisions and how to follow through with the decisions I make, including the one that moved me 3000 miles away to work a job that doesn't have much to do with my degree.  If I were to say tomorrow that I wanted to come home, he'd probably put my mom on a plane to help pack me up and drive me back.  Well that's a lie.  He'd probably make sure I wasn't making a rash decision but i have absolutely no doubt that if i said I needed to come home there would be no hesitation.  

Mostly this is me just bragging about my daddy.  He's too modest most of the time anyways.  But I love him.  He's the grandest soul.  Best guy you'll ever meet.  :)