Monday, January 23, 2012

Oh goodness.

Okay.  So recap.  As of tomorrow I will have been in California for 3 whole weeks.  In those three weeks, I have accomplished the following top 10:

1)  DECIDED ON A JOB!!!  So I have decided to work at California Kids Sports Center in San Jose.  Cal Sports is the official host of the 2012 Olympic trials and the owners are marvelous.  Love them.  And my manager.  And the people I work with.  And gymnastics.  So not only will I get to go to the trials, cause I'll get to volunteer for them, but National Congress for gymnastics this year coincides with the trials, so I'll be going to that too here in San Jose.

2)  Interviewed and got job offers from a thousand bajillion other gyms, which helps boost confidence for one, and for two, also establishes contacts which is ever so useful in the gymnastics world.

3)  Went sight seeing in San Francisco with Ash while she was still here.

4)  Went sight seeing in Santa Cruz with Ash while she was still here.

5)  Took Ash to the airport for her to go to Utah for a month or so to work, sooo since then, I have been utterly and completely independent.  Like for reals.  Out of control.  Like blows my mind how grown-up I am.  And loving it.

6)  Discovered that I love being independent.  I have met a ton of people that seem incredible and awesome, and I can do whatever I please.  Go to the store, go to this thing, not go to this thing, go to bed, or not, or just whatever I may well please.

7)  Almost completed the Harry Potter series from my bucket list for this year.  Kinda sad.  I know.  But I felt a new beginning needed some HP and I am slightly obsessed, so it turned into a marvelous use of time when I would get to job interviews ridiculously early and had time to kill.

8)  I also had the experience of working for two weeks in Tracy, which was most illuminating to me.  I discovered a lot about my coaching habits and why it is that I like to coach.

9)  I also may have found a place to live.  Still real tentative, but the girls seem real nice and they think they have a spot opening up in their apartment. 'Twould be real cheap and perfect for me, cause I really don't mind sharing a room/apartment since I've done it for the past 5 years of my life.

10)  Attended approximately 5 YSA activities and met tons of people, met about 10! sisters serving somewhat in this area, between the I met serving in the 2 San Jose wards I went to, and the bunch that I met at the Oakland visitors center.  So awesome.  Plus, I went to church this last Sunday in San Jose and found out one of the guys used to be roommates with an Elder from my mission, and then another guy stood up in church and turned out he was a son of this awesome family from the Yorba Linda ward from my mission.

I tell yah, God is awesome.  He knows what's up.  He's got a great big plan up there.  We don't see it.  And obv. I am real positive on this blog, and life really is wonderful, but often we all forget that.  I find once again in my life, that as I look for the tender mercies, I find more and more of them.  God's hand is in our lives every day.  Remember that :)

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