Thursday, January 5, 2012

oh hey there

Hi from sunny California!

Life is such a funny thing.  You do the right things.  God blesses you.  I think sometimes we underestimate God.  Or for some reason we aren't expecting those blessings to come.  But they do.  Not always exactly the blessings we want, but we always get blessed abundantly.

I have a wonderful place to live with a dear old roommate of mine.  I've had three job interviews since I got to Cali and all three want to hire me.  Not to mention I have job interviews with other gyms tomorrow and a trial at a gym over the next two weeks starting on Monday.

I have an amazing family that wants to make sure I am taken care of out here in Cali.  I have wonderful friends back in Rexburg who I miss so much, including cute little Kiersten who messaged me on facebook about how she missed me.  Made my day.

California is beautiful.  And warm.  and it's january.  And there were people at the beach swimming.  Odd.  But what a cool experience.  I have to say I am very much looking forward and am very anxious to find housing and figure out where I am going to live more permanently.  It'll all work out.  Sometimes I get impatient though.  Gotta work on that.  Oh!  and on my drive, I did think of an addition to my list (another blessing, I have a wonderful super reliable perfect car).  This might not be something I do this year, but it's something to add to my bucket list.  I want to go see Cirque du Soleil.  One day.

Life is wonderful.  And perfect.  and i feel all grown-up and independent.  which is odd.  but i can't say that dislike it.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you are blogging now! this way I can keep up with your life without calling you every day! I miss you so much and wish you were closer! Love you!
