Saturday, May 12, 2012


I figure it fitting to add to my blog today a little tiny bit about why my mom is the best out there.  Here are 10 reasons why I love my mom.

1)  She laughs at everything.  And her laugh is loud.  And funny.  Which I love.

2)  She has ALWAYS supported me.  No matter my decisions.  Gymnastics, other sports, events, callings, missions, boys, moving to the other side of the country, etc.

3)  She gets me.  She gives the best advice cause she knows me.

4)  I can tell her anything.  Which some people think is weird.  But I like to keep her updated on my life.

5)  She serves all the time.  She taught by example how to visit teach, she's taught seminary, worked in young women's, baked and cooked for ward members/neighbors, served and helped with my gymnastics (in addition to helping with my brother's sports/extracurriculars too!)

6)  She's fun!  Oh the stories.  Many a girl can tell stories of pranks of hers from girl's camps.

7)  She's a go getter.  She sets goals.  She makes lists.  Something I like to hope I have learned from her.

8)  She pushes me to be better.  My mom wants the absolute best for me and she's always got advice as to what I can do to be better.  I still remember the week long road trip with her before my mission where we talked about my life goals and she helped me to understand a lot about life.

9)  She put our family as number one.  Dinners worked around our schedules so we could all have dinner together, family prayer/scripture study alarms so we would all break what we were doing to come together, playing games together, family vacations together, etc.  I loved that our home was a place that our family wanted to hang out together.  And we all felt comfortable bringing friends over all the time.  My mom made our home a home.

10)  She loves me unconditionally.  Even through my life when I have made mistakes.  Or when I live across the country.  I still know she loves me.

Happy Mother's Day.

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